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How I deal with creative block

When I worked in agencies both full time and freelance it could be tricky trying to find the best solutions in the allocated time. You could turn up at your desk at 9am and given a brief that needed to be solved and sent to the client by 5pm.

As a creative it’s not 1+2=3. There is no formula. So, there would be plenty of days that although I came up with a reasonable solution I wouldn’t be happy with it.

These days working from home and generally for the most part not having strict deadlines I find when I am going around in circles trying to find the best solution I just stop. I go for a walk, I do some exercise, I cook some food and by not thinking about the job at hand a light bulb tends to go off at some point. Then what could take me 8 hours getting nowhere I solve in 5 minutes. It could be 2am and ping! So my advice if you can do it is do something else and the inspiration and solution will happen.

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